I'm Saving The Last Dance For Those Who Matter
4 min read

I'm Saving The Last Dance For Those Who Matter

Miserable at dance? You'll need way more beer

To dance, or not to dance? That is the question. For many of us, getting out on the floor and cutting a rug can be daunting - especially when it comes to being judged by our peers. But for those genuinely committed to the craft, there's only one answer: you gotta have more beer! Find out how in this ironic tale of nightlife, friendship, and (of course) beer.

How to be miserable at dance

If you really want to be miserable at the dance, there are a few things you can do to ensure that your night is as unpleasant as possible. First, make sure you drink way more beer than you usually would. This will make it harder for you to focus on the music and dance moves, and you'll probably end up spilling your drink all over yourself. Second, don't try to learn any of the dance steps - just flail around awkwardly and hope nobody notices. Third, wear the most uncomfortable shoes possible, so your feet throb by the night's end. Finally, make sure you complain about how hot it is in the club and how much your feet hurt - this will help ensure that nobody has a good time except for you.

Good luck! Cheers!


It's no secret that social dancing can be pretty daunting. There's the added pressure of having to look good while doing it, and if you're not used to moving your body that way, it can be overwhelming. But don't worry, there's a solution - just drink more beer!

Now, we're not advocating getting absolutely plastered before hitting the dance floor. Still, a few extra beers can help you loosen up and have more fun. After all, dancing is all about enjoying yourself, so why not take the edge off with a bit of liquid courage? Just make sure you pace yourself and drink responsibly.

So next time you're feeling nervous about dancing, remember that a few glasses of beer could be the key to letting loose and having a great time. Cheers!

Girl dancing


Beer is often seen as the lifeblood of nightlife. From a relaxed evening out with friends to a wild session of cutting the rug on the dance floor, beer can make any situation more manageable. Even those not keen on dancing usually loosen up after a few drinks, helping them get into the groove and find their inner rhythm. Beer isn't just an essential part of pre-dance rituals; it also helps fuel action once on the floor. Many say too many beers can be sour for your coordination and balance. However, as a (very) scientific study has shown - more beer equals better dancing!

Unfortunately, most nights out come with a price: hangovers from too much drinking. But fear not! Having a good time without feeling miserable when you wake up is possible. As the saying goes - "everything in moderation," - especially in beer consumption. Knowing your limits is vital for ensuring that your night ends well and you don't regret poor decisions in the light of day.

In conclusion, it's never too late to give dancing another shot - all you need is more beer! With proper planning and preparation


beer foam

Become happier on the dancefloor

In conclusion, improving your dancing skills can be a tricky and daunting task. However, the challenge of becoming a decent dancer can be manageable by taking time to practice the basics and learning from those who know more than you do. We hope that our tips on becoming better at dance have helped you feel more confident in your abilities and motivated you to continue practicing until it's second nature. Remember, beer also helps with nerve-calming courage!

Also, remember to take regular breaks from dancing and ensure you're getting enough rest so your body can stay healthy and energized. Finally, feel free to ask questions or seek advice from experienced dancers. Dance is all about having fun while learning new skills, so make sure to set realistic goals and allow yourself to enjoy the journey.

With patience, dedication, and lots of beer, anyone can become happier on the dancefloor!

It's no secret that people like to let loose and have a good time when they're out at a bar or club. And while dancing can be great exercise, sometimes drinking beer and listening to music is much more fun.
