Jump Into It
1 min read

Jump Into It

It's high. You can see it.

You need to discover how deep, cold, and muddy it is.

People told you there were many creatures down there, and the deeper you went, the more giant and more beautiful those creatures would be.

Crocodile artwork

There are as many experiences as stories. So, it means that your experience will be new, but you must make it unique and a beautiful tale.

Come on, jump. So many have done it before you, and never mind that even more have not dared, maybe even not your closest ones.

Kid with the angelic wings jumping into water

Come on, jump because only when you jump will your wings spread.

Come on, jump because only the uncertainty is a natural haven for all of us.

Come on, jump because you don't have to beat the height and depth but yourself.

Come on, jump because only leaving your comfort zone will get you a new taste of life and a new taste of you.

Come on, just jump.

Jump Into It

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